Rocco Wet Dog Food


Rocco wet dog food provides your pet with a wholesome diet because it is made using only 100% natural ingredients including a high percentage of top-quality meat and offal (no formed meat and no bone meal). It is free from artificial additives such as preservatives or flavourings and has been gently cooked to retain its great flavour and vital nutrients. Your dog will love the hearty chunkiness of this tasty, complete wet dog food. And for dogs with delicate digestions there is Rocco Sensitive, a delicious, meaty meal made with carefully selected sources of protein and carbohydrate. There is also Rocco Diet Care, a range of tasty, meat-based wet foods formulated to meet specific nutritional needs if your dog is overweight or suffers from allergies or gastrointestinal issues. 

1 - 24 of 48 products
1 - 24 of 48 products
1 - 24 of 48 products

Now you can buy 24 x 800g Rocco Sensitive Wet Dog Food for a great value special price!

Delivery in 1-2 working days
4 Varieties from
Lamb & Rice
individually priced £59.96
Now £32.99
£1.72 / kg
Chicken & Potatoes
individually priced £59.96
Now £32.99
£1.72 / kg
Turkey & Potatoes
individually priced £59.96
Now £32.99
£1.72 / kg
Beef & Carrot
Was £59.96
Now £32.99
£1.72 / kg

Complete wet dog food made with lots of high quality meat and offal. With 100% fresh and grain-free ingredients! And no artificial additives. Your dog will love this species-appropriate meaty meal.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
18 Varieties from
Pure Beef
£3.12 / kg
Pure Green Tripe
£3.33 / kg
Beef with Turkey
£3.12 / kg
Beef with Duck
£3.33 / kg
Beef with Chicken
£3.12 / kg

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Meaty grain-free dinners for your dog, with a high proportion of meat & offal and 100% fresh, quality ingredients. Species-appropriate. No artificial additives. Great value in a 24 x 400g saver pack!

Delivery in 1-2 working days
9 Varieties from
Pure Beef
individually priced £29.96
Now £27.49
£2.86 / kg
Pure Green Tripe
individually priced £31.96
Now £29.49
£3.07 / kg
Beef with Turkey
individually priced £29.96
Now £27.49
£2.86 / kg
Beef with Duck
individually priced £31.96
Now £29.49
£3.07 / kg
Beef with Chicken
individually priced £29.96
Now £27.49
£2.86 / kg

Top quality grain-free complete wet dog food with 100% fresh ingredients. With min. 70% meat & offal and absolutely no fillers or artificial additives. A perfectly balanced meaty meal for your dog!

Delivery in 1-2 working days
15 Varieties from
Mixed Pack I (6 Varieties)
£3.12 / kg
Pure Beef
£2.91 / kg
Beef with Poultry Hearts
£3.12 / kg
Beef with Game
£3.12 / kg
Beef with Salmon
£3.12 / kg

Balanced dietetic wet dog food, made with chicken & sweet potato. Easy to digest, with reduced protein content and reduced sodium & phosphorus. For adult dogs with acute or chronic renal insufficiency.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
6 x 400g
£4.37 / kg
Saver Pack: 24 x 400g
individually priced £41.96
Now £39.49
£4.11 / kg

Dietetic wet food for adult dogs with acute or chronic kidney insufficiency. Tasty Beef with Chicken Hearts & Pumpkin with reduced protein, sodium & phosphorus and easy to digest animal proteins.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
4 Varieties from
6 x 400g
£4.37 / kg
Saver Pack: 24 x 400g
individually priced £41.96
Now £39.49
£4.11 / kg
6 x 800g
£3.54 / kg
Saver Pack: 24 x 800g
individually priced £67.96
Now £64.99
£3.38 / kg

Complete wet dog food made with top-quality meat & offal. The gluten- and grain-free recipe with 100% fresh ingredients is free from fillers and artificial additives. In a great value saver pack!

Delivery in 1-2 working days
14 Varieties from
Mixed Pack I (6 Varieties)
individually priced £59.96
Now £56.99
£2.97 / kg
Pure Beef
individually priced £55.96
Now £52.99
£2.76 / kg
Pure Green Tripe
individually priced £61.96
Now £58.99
£3.07 / kg
Beef with Turkey
individually priced £55.96
Now £52.99
£2.76 / kg
Beef with Wild Boar
individually priced £59.96
Now £56.99
£2.97 / kg

Delicious dietetic complete food for adult dogs with gastrointestinal or pancreatic problems. Made with tasty turkey and pumpkin, this wet food has a high electrolyte content and a low fat content.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
6 x 400g
£4.37 / kg
Saver Pack: 24 x 400g
individually priced £41.96
Now £39.49
£4.11 / kg

Tasty, high-quality complete wet food for dogs with allergies or gastrointestinal tract disorders. Made with a single source of protein and carbohydrate, it is well-accepted by dogs with digestive issues.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
5 Varieties from
Lamb & Rice
£3.75 / kg
Chicken & Potatoes
£3.75 / kg
Turkey & Potatoes
£3.75 / kg
Game & Pasta
£3.75 / kg
Beef & Carrots

Sold out

£3.75 / kg
Notify me when available

Tasty Rocco wet dog food in handy trays, now in a great value saver pack!. These tasty, species-appropriate wet dog food trays contain added Omega-3 and fibre for healthy digestion & a shiny coat.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
3 Varieties from
Mix 1: Pure Beef, Green Tripe, Poultry Hearts
individually priced £29.97
Now £27.49
£3.39 / kg
Mix 2: Lamb, Chicken, Game
individually priced £29.97
Now £27.49
£3.39 / kg
Pure Beef
individually priced £29.97
Now £27.49
£3.39 / kg

3 varieties of delicious Rocco Classic or Menu wet dog food in convenient trays. Beef-rich with 100% fresh ingredients, and species-appropriate. Add some variety to your dog's dinner!

Delivery in 1-2 working days
3 Varieties from
Classic Mix 1: Pure Beef, Green Tripe, Poultry Hearts
£3.70 / kg
Classic Mix 2: Lamb, Chicken, Game
£3.70 / kg
Menu Mix 1: Beef, Poultry, Lamb
£3.70 / kg

Premium complete wet food for dogs with allergies or gastrointestinal tract disorders. Each variety only contains one source of animal protein and one source of carbohydrate. Delicious and well-tolerated.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
6 Varieties from
Mixed Pack (4 Varieties)
£3.12 / kg
Beef & Carrots
£3.12 / kg
Lamb & Rice
£3.12 / kg
Chicken & Potatoes
£3.12 / kg
Turkey & Potatoes
£3.12 / kg

Complete dietetic wet food with chicken and parsnip, suitable for adult dogs with gastrointestinal or pancreatic issues. Low in fat with a high electrolyte content. Highly digestible, well accepted.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
4 Varieties from
6 x 400g
£4.37 / kg
Saver Pack: 24 x 400g
individually priced £41.96
Now £39.49
£4.11 / kg
6 x 800g
£3.54 / kg
Saver Pack: 24 x 800g
individually priced £67.96
Now £64.99
£3.38 / kg

A dietetic complete wet food suitable for dogs with allergies, itching or hair loss, or those suffering from diarrhoea or vomiting due to food intolerance. Easy to digest, single protein lamb.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
4 Varieties from
6 x 400g
£4.37 / kg
Saver Pack: 24 x 400g
individually priced £41.96
Now £39.49
£4.11 / kg
6 x 800g
£3.64 / kg
Saver Pack: 24 x 800g
individually priced £69.96
Now £66.99
£3.49 / kg

Tasty, complete wet dog food made with lots of meat. Choose from pure, fresh beef or beef combined with hearty lamb, the tasty food also contains light carbohydrates & vegetables.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
Beef, Lamb, Vegetables & Rice
£3.75 / kg
Beef, Vegetables & Rice
£3.75 / kg

Delicious whole chicken hearts enveloped in juicy chicken or beef, this high quality complete wet dog food has a chunky, meaty texture.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
Chicken with whole Chicken Hearts
£4.16 / kg
Beef with whole Chicken Hearts

Sold out

£4.16 / kg
Notify me when available

Dietetic wet food for adult dogs with diabetes. This tasty chicken & beef meal helps to regulate the glucose supply. It is high in fibre and low in carbohydrates. Grain-free, with no artificial additives.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
6 x 400g
£4.37 / kg
Saver Pack: 24 x 400g
individually priced £41.96
Now £39.49
£4.11 / kg

This high quality wet food for senior dogs is nutritionally balanced and has a lower fat content. It is easy to digest and enriched with vitamins and minerals to help keep your senior dog healthy.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
Poultry with Oat Flakes
£3.33 / kg
Lamb with Millet
£3.33 / kg

A delicious complete wet dog food, totally grain-free and made with classic Rocco beef combined with tasty poultry and another, top-quality meat protein source. Your dog will love the triple meaty taste.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
4 Varieties from
Beef with Chicken & Game
£3.02 / kg
Mix (3 Varieties)

Sold out

£3.02 / kg
Notify me when available
Beef with Lamb & Poultry

Sold out

£3.02 / kg
Notify me when available
Beef with Chicken & Veal

Sold out

£3.02 / kg
Notify me when available

A high quality, sensitive complete wet dog food with only one source of animal protein and one source of carbohydrate in each variety. Now available in a great-value 24 x 400g saver pack!

Delivery in 1-2 working days
4 Varieties from
Lamb & Rice
individually priced £35.96
Now £33.49
£3.49 / kg
Chicken & Potatoes
individually priced £35.96
Now £33.49
£3.49 / kg
Game & Pasta
individually priced £35.96
Now £33.49
£3.49 / kg
Turkey & Potatoes
individually priced £35.96
Now £33.49
£3.49 / kg

Dietetic complete wet food for adult dogs with chronic liver insufficiency. This chicken & oats food can help to reduce stress on the liver. It has a medium protein content and no artificial additives.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
2 Varieties from
6 x 400g
£4.37 / kg
Saver Pack: 24 x 400g
individually priced £41.96
Now £39.49
£4.11 / kg

A tasty wet food, specifically for puppies and growing dogs. This balanced, complete food is made with lots of meat, vitamins and calcium. It promotes healthy growth & development.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
4 Varieties from
Poultry with Chicken Hearts & Rice
£3.33 / kg
Turkey with Veal Hearts & Rice
£3.33 / kg
Poultry with Game & Rice
£3.33 / kg
Poultry with Beef
£3.33 / kg

Tasty Rocco wet dog food in handy trays has a high meat content and species-appropriate recipes. 100% fresh ingredients and no artificial preservatives, colour or aromas. This food is well accepted.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
6 Varieties from
Mix 1: Pure Beef, Green Tripe, Poultry Hearts
£3.70 / kg
Mix 2: Lamb, Chicken, Game
£3.70 / kg
Pure Beef
£3.70 / kg
Beef with Poultry Hearts

Sold out

£3.70 / kg
Notify me when available
Beef with Chicken

Sold out

£3.70 / kg
Notify me when available

Wet dog food made with delicious beef, vegetables and rice in convenient trays. Easy to portion, easy to store, these trays are perfect for smaller dogs. Min. 60% meat and no artificial additives.

Delivery in 1-2 working days
4 Varieties from
Menu Mix 1: Beef, Poultry, Lamb
£3.70 / kg
Beef, Vegetables & Rice
£2.96 / kg
Beef, Lamb, Vegetables & Rice
£3.33 / kg
Beef, Poultry, Vegetables & Rice

Sold out

£2.96 / kg
Notify me when available
Wet dog food comes in a wide variety of brands and recipes. If you do not find the perfect canned food or pouches for your pup on this page, see our entire selection of wet dog food.